Thursday 13 October 2016




Over the past year, we’ve learned the hard way that our cellular networks aren’t all that secure. As data vulnerabilities become a greater concern, people will demand better protection. The hypersecure Blackphone ensures that all communications remain private when being transmitted to and from the device. The phone runs on PrivatOS, a custom version of Android. In conjunction with an app suite, it can encrypt calls and texts—as well as enable private Web browsing and cloud storage. Messages and calls have unique encryption keys, so only the sender and recipient can decode each one. $629 (includes one year of service)

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Tuesday 11 October 2016

A hotel in space

A hotel in Spac

Russian company Orbital Technologies reckons it'll be sending tourists into space as early as next year. Guests would zoom up to the Commercial Space Station on a rocket, then spend their time in one of the station's four cabins enjoying zero gravity and watching earth through the ship's giant portholes. And this is only the beginning:Mashable has totted up nine commercial companies planning to send normal people into space over the next decade or so. 

The age of space exploration being available to non-astronauts is fast approaching. It is approaching so quickly that the Russian space company, Orbital Technologies, is saying that they are developing a space hotel that is set to welcome guests by 2016. Clients will get be transported to the hotel aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket, which will take about a day to reach the Commercial Space Station that is located 217 miles above Earth.
Once the rocket reaches the station, clients will be able to settle in with their exploration comrades, up to six other tourists and/or researchers, for an orbital adventure around the Earth. While traveling 17,500 miles per hour in Earth’s low orbit, the space hotel will provide all the amenities to its residents that are found in luxury hotels on the surface, amenities including: gourmet foods, a specially designed sealed shower, and high quality bedding for sleeping.
Orbital Technologies suggests that the best part of the journey is the opportunity for guests to gaze out of the station’s large portholes, which will offer them a full view of the cosmos and the Earth. To stay at the space hotel, potential guests will need to pay an estimated $1 million. The space exploration company did state that as the service becomes more popular and they turn a profit, they will begin to lower the prices and, possibly, make the hotel more realistically priced for the average tourist.
Observers have discussed the health and comfort concerns that could come with a voyage of this magnitude. They state that the welcomed guests on the space hotel, especially those who are set be onboard in 2016 before the technology is tested commercially, will discover that the 300 km journey will leave them tired and unable to relax. This is attributed to zero gravity leaving them in an uncontrollable spin. The same skeptics stated that a trick to overcome the zero gravity is to locate your center of mass, and push off objects that are along an imaginary line extending from your center of mass. This will stop the constant spinning and leave the space explorer with more control over their movements.
Skeptics have also stated that a good night’s sleep will be difficult to come by in zero gravity, citing that they will need to be tied down to limit headaches that can result from floating around constantly. However, Orbital Technologies has illustrated that all the guests in their space hotel will be trained to maximize their comfort while orbiting the Earth. The company advertises that during the journey, patrons will be able to see at least 16 sunrises and sunsets from a perspective very few people have ever witnessed before.
The space hotel is projected to be ready to welcome guests by 2016 and will be able to house seven guests. Once aboard, guests will be able to watch TV and go even log onto the internet if they desire. However, alcohol will not be served and it is prohibited from being brought on board. Orbital Technologies has not released information yet as to whether they have accepted reservations from potential clients, but they have stated that they are being contacted by many interested parties.
By Andres Loubriel

How does our brain form creative and original ideas?

University of Haifa


A new study attempted to crack the connection between brain activity and creativity. The results shed a new, perhaps unexpected light, on our ability to think outside the box.

Developing an original and creative idea requires the simultaneous activation of two completely different networks in the brain: the associative -- "spontaneous" -- network alongside the more normative -- "conservative" -- network; this according to new research conducted at the University of Haifa.

The researchers maintain that "creative thinking apparently requires 'checks and balances'." The new research was conducted as part of the doctoral dissertation of Dr. Naama Mayseless, and was supervised by Prof. Simone Shamay-Tsoory from the Department of Psychology at the University of Haifa in collaboration with Dr. Ayelet Eran from the Rambam Medical Center.
According to the researchers, creativity is our ability to think in new and original ways to solve problems. But not every original solution is considered a creative one. If the idea is not fully applicable it is not considered creative, but simply one which is unreasonable
The researchers hypothesized that for a creative idea to be produced, the brain must activate a number of different -- and perhaps even contradictory -- networks. In the first part of the research, respondents were give half a minute to come up with a new, original and unexpected idea for the use of different objects. Answers which were provided infrequently received a high score for originality, while those given frequently received a low score. In the second part, respondents were asked to give, within half a minute, their best characteristic (and accepted) description of the objects. During the tests, all subjects were scanned using an FMRI device to examine their brain activity while providing the answer.
The researchers found increased brain activity in an "associative" region among participants whose originality was high. This region, which includes the anterior medial brain areas, mainly works in the background when a person is not concentrating, similar to daydreaming.
But the researchers found that this region did not operate alone when an original answer was given. For the answer to be original, an additional region worked in collaboration with the associative region -- the administrative control region. A more "conservative" region related to social norms and rules. The researchers also found that the stronger the connection, i.e., the better these regions work together in parallel -- the greater the level of originality of the answer.
"On the one hand, there is surely a need for a region that tosses out innovative ideas, but on the other hand there is also the need for one that will know to evaluate how applicable and reasonable these ideas are. The ability of the brain to operate these two regions in parallel is what results in creativity. It is possible that the most sublime creations of humanity were produced by people who had an especially strong connection between the two regions," the researchers concluded.

Sunday 9 October 2016

The Spooky Secret Behind Artificial Intelligence's Incredible Power

Spookily powerful artificial intelligence (AI) systems may work so well because their structure exploits the fundamental laws of the universe, new research suggests.
The new findings may help answer a longstanding mystery about a class of artificial intelligence that employ a strategy called deep learning

. These deep learning or deep neural network programs, as they're called, are algorithms that have many layers in which lower-level calculations feed into higher ones. Deep neural networks often perform astonishingly well at solving problems as complex as beating the world's best player of the strategy board game Go or classifying cat photos, yet know one fully understood why.
It turns out, one reason may be that they are tapping into the very special properties of the physical world, said Max Tegmark, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a co-author of the new research
Last year, AI accomplished a task many people thought impossible: DeepMind, Google's deep learning AI system, defeated the world's best Go player after trouncing the European Go champion. The feat stunned the world because the number of potential Go moves exceeds the number of atoms in the universe, and past Go-playing robots performed only as well as a mediocre human player.
But even more astonishing than DeepMind's utter rout of its opponents was how it accomplished the task.
"The big mystery behind neural networks is why they work so well," said study co-author Henry Lin, a physicist at Harvard University. "Almost every problem we throw at them, they crack."
For instance, DeepMind was not explicitly taught Go strategy and was not trained to recognize classic sequences of moves. Instead, it simply "watched" millions of games, and then played many, many more against itself and other players.
Like newborn babies, these deep-learning algorithms start out "clueless," yet typically outperform other AI algorithms that are given some of the rules of the game in advance, Tegmark said.
Another long-held mystery is why these deep networks are so much better than so-called shallow ones, which contain as little as one layer, Tegmark said. Deep networks have a hierarchy and look a bit like connections between neurons in the brain, with lower-level data from many neurons feeding into another "higher" group of neurons, repeated over many layers. In a similar way, deep layers of these neural networks make some calculations, and then feed those results to a higher layer of the program, and so on, he said.
To understand why this process works, Tegmark and Lin decided to flip the question on its head.
"Suppose somebody gave you a key. Every lock you try, it seems to open. One might assume that the key has some magic properties. But another possibility is that all the locks are magical. In the case of neural nets, I suspect it's a bit of both," Lin said.
One possibility could be that the "real world" problems have special properties because the real world is very special, Tegmark said.
Take one of the biggest neural-network mysteries: These networks often take what seem to be computationally hairy problems, like the Go game, and somehow find solutions using far fewer calculations than expected.
It turns out that the math employed by neural networks is simplified thanks to a few special properties of the universe. The first is that the equations that govern many laws of physics, from quantum mechanics to gravity to special relativity, are essentially simple math problems, Tegmark said. The equations involve variables raised to a low power (for instance, 4 or less).  [The 11 Most Beautiful Equations]
What's more, objects in the universe are governed by locality, meaning they are limited by the speed of light. Practically speaking, that means neighboring objects in the universe are more likely to influence each other than things that are far from each other, Tegmark said.
Many things in the universe also obey what's called a normal or Gaussian distribution. This is the classic "bell curve" that governs everything from traits such as human height to the speed of gas molecules zooming around in the atmosphere.
Finally, symmetry is woven into the fabric of physics. Think of the veiny pattern on a leaf, or the two arms, eyes and ears of the average human. At the galactic scale, if one travels a light-year to the left or right, or waits a year, the laws of physics are the same, Tegmark said.
All of these special traits of the universe mean that the problems facing neural networks are actually special math problems that can be radically simplified.
"If you look at the class of data sets that we actually come across in nature, they're way simpler than the sort of worst-case scenario you might imagine," Tegmark said.
There are also problems that would be much tougher for neural networks to crack, including encryption schemes that secure information on the web; such schemes just look like random noise.
"If you feed that into a neural network, it's going to fail just as badly as I am; it's not going to find any patterns," Tegmark said.
While the subatomic laws of nature are simple, the equations describing a bumblebee flight are incredibly complicated, while those governing gas molecules remain simple, Lin added. It's not yet clear whether deep learning will perform just as well describing those complicated bumblebee flights as it will describing gas molecules, he said.
"The point is that some 'emergent' laws of physics, like those governing an ideal gas, remain quite simple, whereas some become quite complicated. So there is a lot of additional work that needs to be done if one is going to answer in detail why deep learning works so well." Lin said. "I think the paper raises a lot more questions than it answers!"
Original article on Live Science.

by:-Tia Ghose, Senior Writer